“M. sits on the bus that takes him back home, after a long working day. He’s got hearing problems. Thanks to a hearing aid, M. listen to conversations of travelers around him. But maybe what he hears them say, nothing has to do with what they think, with what they feel.””
13 min. HD / Color
Director: Pau Durà
Cast: Francesc Garrido, Juli Cantó, Ramon Madaula, Lluís Marco, Marta Marco, Paula Blanco, Mar Ulldemolins and Montse Guallar
Production: David Ciurana and Pau Durà
A production of de Fosca Films and Producciones Teatrales del Mocambo
Script: Pau Durà
Director of photography: Miguel Llorens
Music: Taré Darias
Sound: Xavi Félez
Makeup and Hairdressing: Ari Mira
Art director: Pau Castelló
Award for Best Short Film At the 6º International Short Film Festival Mas Sorrer 2011
Award for Best Short Film in FIC-CAT 2012, Roda de Berà
Award for Best Short Film in FILMETS en el Festival Internacional de Cortometrajes de Badalona, 2012